Spring Paleo Challenge

Remember to post food log at the end of each day! Include what you eat, when you eat it, and how much of it you ate.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 46

Post food to comments. Come to the party. pics tomorrow


  1. I'm so sad I couldn't be there. I hope you all had a great time!

  2. 7:45 1.5 egg scramble with spinach and salsa
    10:00 1/2 cucumber, 1 stalk celery
    12:45 3 oz chicken stir fry with 1 c veggies
    5:00 1/2 cucumber, 2 stalks celery, 1/2 bell pepper
    8:00 6 oz sole, baked and dusted with almond flour; 8 oz asparagus
    9:00 1.5 c grapes

  3. 8:45am - scrambled eggs with veggies
    11:15am - bell pepper
    12:45pm - Daren's green chile stew (1 1/2c.)
    5:00pm - banana: post WOD
    8:00pm - Paleo Party (strawberries, pumpkin hummus, paleo pizza, stew, wraps, chicken, shrimp, sweet potato fries, paleo cookies.....) I'm so full, but all the food was freaking awesome! Thanks for having us at your house Ruth! We have to do this again soon!

  4. The last day of posting our food??.. I am so sad...NOT

    9:00 - boiled egg
    10:00 - Lara Bar
    12:00 - 2 cups ground turkey w/stewed tomatoes,green peppers,mushrooms,onions
    3:00 - Grilled chicken Salad (Must be Heaven)
    Paleo Party- 2 of Sandra's wraps, about 6 shrimp, some guacamole, spoonful of Ruth's goulash, 1 slice of Darens pizza, 1/2 of bretani's paleo cookie.....1 glass of white wine... All the food was so awesome... I tried to get a little of everything. SO FULL!

    THANK YOU Ruth for your wonderful hospitality! We had a great time... Love seeing everyone in normal clothes...LOL!

  5. Gary

    7:00 3 egg whites 1 yolk scrambled with onions. 1 cup of coffee with alomond milk & splenda.
    10:00 handful of cashew
    12:00 Grilled chicken pecan salad with honey lime dressing
    8:00 1 slice of paleo pizza, 1/2 stuffed bell pepper, 1/2 cup of chicken fajita, sweet potato fries, 3 paleo cookies, 5 coconut, cookie things, 1 strawberry & 3 glasses of wine

    7:00 3 egg whites 1 yolk scrambled with onions. 1 cup of coffee with splenda & cream
    10:00 1 handful of cashews
    12:00 salad with pineapple, pico & honey lime dressing
    5:00 1/2 mini meatloaf
    8:00 1 cabbage wrap, 1 cup of ruth's stew, sweet potato fries, 1 slice of paleo pizza, 3 pieces of fajita chicken, spoonful of guacamole, 1 1/2 of the forbidden paleo cookies, 3 glasses of wine.

    Great party! Thanks Ruth & Ben for having us over. Lots of fun.

  6. 7: 10 cashews
    9: 1 egg and piece of ham
    1: 4 oz chicken, 4 oz skirt steak, 2 tbsp guac, 1 c lettuce, 1/4 c salsa
    4: tbsp almond butter, banana
    8: 10 oz ribeye, 2 c broccoli

    Sorry I missed the party. Had to coach basketball.

  7. I am so proud of all of you, the level of commitment you have all demonstrated is amazing. Nutrition is the key to lowering body fat, performance and overall wellness. I am sorry that I could not make it to the party last night, I was in bed at 7:30pm trying to rest up for this weekend. From reading all the posts it sounds like the party was awesome!

  8. 7:30-2 eggs, spinach, ground beef
    10-brazil nuts, grapes
    1-lettuce wrap (cut up pork tenderloin, mango salsa)
    7-pork tenderloin, lettuce, tomato

  9. 9 am 1 egg/2 egg whites w/veggies and coffee w/usual
    12:30 pm 5 oz. chicken breast w/okra and rotel tom.
    3 pm 8 walnuts
    8 pm 4 shrimp, some sweet potatoe fries, a few pieces of chicken fajitas, slice of pizza, spoon of guac. and a little of Ruth's goolash and 3 glasses of wine

  10. 4:30- apple
    7:30- dried deer meat, avocado
    11:00- grilled chicken salad
    3:00- 2oz mixed nuts
    7:00- chicken, mixed veggies, salad

  11. 7:15- 1 egg + 2 whites with yellow bell pepper, spinach and 2 kiwi
    9:00- coffee
    10:30- 3 oz carrots
    1:15- chargrilled chicken salad (no cheese or dressing), unsweet tea
    3:45- apricot
    7:30- 2 1/2 c. seafood soup
    9:00- walnut/almond/cashew mix

    So sorry I missed the fun party! I made a HUGE pot of soup to bring. Looks like I'm going to be paleoing at least through the weekend ;)

  12. 7:30am 2 cups coffee
    10am 2 omega 3 boiled eggs
    11:30am 1 cup baby carrots
    12:30 green salad with avocado and lean ground beef w/onions
    4:30pm 1 banana w/1/4 cup walnuts
    8:00pm Turkey goulash, chicken fajitas, 1 slice paleo pizza, spoonful of quacamole, cabbage wrap & 1/2 Paleo cookie (it was awesome!!!) & 3 glasses of white wine.

  13. 8am - 1 banana
    9am - 1 omega3 pouched egg, 1/2 avacado, 5 baby carrots, 4 slices of bacon & sweet potatoe fries
    12:30pm - 4oz pork loin w/onions, bell pepper, broccoli, cauliflower & 1/2 bag of salad with 1/2 avacado
    3pm - 1 apple
    7pm-11:30pm - as everyone else...a bit of everything at the party & 3 glasses of wine...except the delish cookies from Bretani...now I know why...GARY ATE THEM ALL!!!
    MI CASA is open to all of you guys for future parties!!! My husband enjoyed everyones company!!!
    ***BRETANI...please share the cookie recipe!!!

  14. Here ya go Ruth!!

    **Paleo Cookies**
    4 cups ground almonds (in the food processor if you can)
    2 cups ground walnuts (Food Processor or DIY at Health Food Store - i did use a Braun coffee grinder once - messy)
    2 cups heated raw organic honey (mixes easier that way)
    1 cup chopped dry fruit (cranberries/raisins)
    1 teaspoon cinnamon

    Mix the dry stuff first, then add the honey. I like to refrigerate it at this point for about an hour so that it's easier to roll balls but it's not critical. Space them out quite a bit on a greased cookie sheet - these cookies do kinda go flat. Parchment paper really helps - use it if you got it because these suckers are stickyeeee! Bake at 15-20 minutes at 350. Really start checking after 15 minutes - cook them too much and you've got dog treats (trust me on this one). On the other hand, cook them just right and they do some frikin vanishing act - even with just me in the house!

    Cheers! Steve "Paleo"
