Spring Paleo Challenge

Remember to post food log at the end of each day! Include what you eat, when you eat it, and how much of it you ate.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 43

Post food to comments


  1. Paleo Challenge Day 43 - Ryan W.

    Breakfast - pre-wod 1 banana + 10 blackberries
    post -wod rest of 6 oz blackberries + 2 3ggs + 1 bowl of fruit (honey dew melon + strawberries)

    Lunch - 2 bananas w/ almond butter + 1/2 cup of cashews + 1 bowl of fruit (honey dew melon + strawberries)

    Dinner -WARNING CHEAT MEAL - 8 oz grilled steak + sweet potatoe fries + cesar salad + ice cream w/ brownie (shared with my pregnant wife)

  2. 6:30am: 1 omega egg and 3 egg whites, 1/2 c salsa, tbsp almond butter, banana
    10: 5 cashews
    2: 6 oz chicken breast, 1 c carrots and snap peas
    5: 1 tbsp almond butter and banana (pre-crossfit)
    8: 8 oz skirt steak on top of 1/2 avocado, 2 cups romaine, habanero salsa

  3. Gary

    7:30 3 egg whites 1 yolk scrambled with ground turkey & onions. 1 banana with cashew butter. 1 cup of coffee with splenda
    10:00 1 apple
    12:00 1 banana with cashew butter
    3:00 1 banana
    5:30 1 apple
    6:30 1 1/2 chicken breasts grilled with onions, 2 pieces of grilled zucchini. 2 baked peaches with cinnamon & honey


    7:30 3 egg whites 1 yolk scrambled with ground turkey & onions. 1 cup of coffee with splenda & cream
    12:00 1 banana with cashew butter
    3:00 1 banana with handful of cashews
    5:30 1 slice of apple
    6:30 1 1/2 chicken breasts grilled with onions, 2 pieces of grilled zucchini. 1 cup of cooked spinanch. 2 baked peaches with cinnamon & honey

  4. 9:00 - 2 omega 3 boiled eggs
    10:00 - 2 oz baby carrots
    2:00 - 2 cups ground turkey w/stewed tomatoes,green peppers,onions and 2 tablespoons of guacamole
    3:00 - 1 banana

  5. 4:30- banana
    6:45- handful of raisins
    7:30- steak, broccoli, carrots
    10- pumpkin seeds
    1- steak, carrots, strawberries
    3- pumpkin seeds
    7- turkey beast, lettuce, tomato, spinach

  6. 8:00 - 1c. steamed broccoli & carrots and 1 grilled chicken tender
    12:00 - handful of seeds and nuts
    4:00 - handful of grapes
    6:00 - 2 eggs scrambled with spinach, onions & green peppers
    8:00 - 1/4c. walnuts & pistachio mix

  7. 7pm 2 cups coffee w/Splenda
    9:00am 2 omega 3 boiled eggs
    1:00pm 1 Harvest chicken grilled salad (Cotton Patch)
    5pm 1 banana & 1/4 cup walnuts
    8:15pm 2 cups green chile pork stew
    9:00pm 1 cup fruit smoothie (frozen fruit & coconut milk)

  8. 8am banana
    10am grapes
    1230pm grilled chicken salad with onions, pickles, tomatoes, jal. peppers, cheese(forget to tell them to cut it) oil & vinegar.
    400pm apple
    800pm lean ground beef in tomatoe sauce, mushrooms, onions, jal. peppers and spaghetti sauce

  9. 9am - 2 omega3 pouched eggs, 10 baby carrots & 1 whole sliced tomatoe
    10am - 1c sugar free cappuccino
    11:45 - 1 banana
    1pm - 1oz walnuts
    3pm - 8oz shrimp spinach/lettuce salad w/green & red bell pepper, celery, avacado & tomatoe
    5:30pm - 1 banana (pre-work out)
    8pm - 4oz pork loin w/bell pepper, jalapenos, broccoli, califlower, onions & 1 orange

  10. 7:30- 1 egg + 2 whites omelete with orange bell pepper and spinach, 1/2 c. green grapes, 1 kiwi
    9:00- tea with almond milk
    10:30- 3 oz baby carrots
    12:45- 4 oz chicken breast, 1 c. steamed veggies, 8 cashews
    4:00- banana with 1 T almond butter
    7:30- lean ground beef with onion, garlic, tomatoes and tom. sauce, zucchini (homemade spaghetti sauce) and spaghetti squash
    9:00- walnut/cashew mix

  11. 4:15- banana
    8:00- 1 egg, 1 egg white
    12:00- salmon steamed veggies, and salad
    3:00- salad
    7:00- beer meat, carrots, and salad

  12. 7:45 1.5 egg omlette with spinach and salsa
    12:45 oz turkey
    afternoon snacks: 2 celery stalks, cucumber, 1/2 bell pepper
    7:00 6 oz pork loin, salad with romaine, 1/3 avocado, and salsa
    9:00 1 c grapes

  13. 9:30am - smoothie (1 c. blueberries, 1/2 banana, few strawberries, egg whites, and 1 c. almond milk)
    11:30am - bell pepper (1) and cashews (~1 oz)
    1:30pm - Daren's green chile soup (1 1/2 c.)
    5:00pm - baby carrots (~10)
    7:30pm - salmon and asparagus
    11:00pm - bite of paleo cookie

  14. 9:30 am - 1 almond meal pancake w/raisins,coffee with usual
    11:30 am - 1 banana
    1 pm - 1 orange and 5 walnuts
    3 pm - Some fruit, 6 chicken salad sandwiches (no crust, triangle size), 1 small cookie, 1 bite size lemon bar and 1 bite size chocolate bar and punch (attended a fundraiser event)
    7:30 pm - 3 oz. of pork tendeloin and 1 cup of sauteed spinach, stewed tomatoes and mushrooms
    10:30 pm - 5 walnuts
