Spring Paleo Challenge

Remember to post food log at the end of each day! Include what you eat, when you eat it, and how much of it you ate.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 38

Post food to comments


  1. Daren- I've red a few articles on how carrots may be working against insulin resistivity on paleo. Any thoughts on this?

  2. i haven't heard anything about that. check this and see if you can find anything.


  3. 4:45 1/2 banana
    6:15 1/2 banana
    7:00 slice breakfast casserole
    12:30 beef stew
    before and after lunch- snacked on 1/2 cucumber, 1/2 bell pepper, 2 stalks celery
    6:00 1 oz turkey
    8:00 3 oz pork loin, salad, 1 c. grapes

  4. 7:30- 2 c. turkey stew (with tomatoes, carrots, onion, zucchini)
    9:00- 2 c. coffee with almond milk
    11:30- 3 oz baby carrots
    2:00- 3 oz chicken breast, steamed broc., caul. and carrots with lemon juice
    4:00- tea with almond milk
    6:00- 1 1/2 c. turkey stew, 1/2 avocado
    8:00- 1 T. cashew butter, 4 walnuts

  5. 6:30 - banana with 1T. cashew butter
    12:00 - 2 slices turkey breast, handful baby carrots, 7 grape tomatoes, 1 apple
    6:00 - 1 pork chop with zucchini and fire roasted tomatoes
    9:00 - handful pistachios

  6. 9:00 - 2 cups green chili pork stew
    11:00 - 2 oz package of baby carrots
    1:00 - 2 cups of ground turkey w/stewed tomatoes,onions,green peppers
    3:30 - .56 oz walnuts/almonds
    6:00 - 6 oz baked chicken breast

  7. 9:00am - smoothie (1 c. almond milk, 1/2 banana, 1 c. blueberries, few strawberries, 3 egg whites)
    11:30pm - bell pepper (1), baby carrots (~10), and almonds (~1 oz)
    1:30pm - Daren's green chile soup (1 1/2 c.)
    4:30pm - banana (1), cashews (1 oz), and a little of the stuffing in the paleo stuffed bell pepper: Pre-Workout
    7:00pm - few raisins: Post-WOD
    7:45pm paleo stuffed bell pepper
    11:00pm - 1 small paleo cookie

  8. 4:30- banana

    6:45- handfuld of raisins

    7:30- ground beef, broccoli, mushrooms, sweet potatoe

    10:00- cashews, grapes

    1:00- ground beef, broccoli, mushrooms, sweet potatoe

    3:00- carrots, cashews

    6:00- grilled chicken, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms

  9. 7:30am 2 cups coffee w/Splenda
    9:30am 1 omega 3 boiled egg & 1/2 Paleo pumpkin muffin
    11:00am 8 baby carrots
    1:30pm 4 oz grilled chicken fajita w/lettuce and salsa
    4:30pm 1/2 Paleo pumpkin muffin
    7:30pm 1 1/2 cups green chile pork stew
    9:00pm 1/2 cup coconut milk & 1 Paleo pumpkin muffin (I have put the remaining muffins in the freezer for safe keeping)

  10. 515am banana
    730am 3 egg omelet with mushrooms, onions, jal. peppers
    1230pm grilled chicken breast in tomato sauce, mushrooms, onions, jal. pepper with spaghetti squash
    330pm Dr. Pepper and peanuts
    730pm subway foot long honey oat bread, tuna, onions, pickles, mustard, mayo and Cheetos.
    Rough day at work

  11. 4:30am - 1 banana (pre-workout)
    7:30am - 2 over medium omega3 eggs & 4 slices bacon
    11:30am - crustless spinach quiche slice & 1 small avacado
    2pm - 2c turkey goulash & 1c grapes
    7:30pm - baked leq quarter, 7 baby carrots, 1 cucumber, 1 tomatoe & 1 banana

  12. paleo challenge day 38 - Ryan W.

    Breakfast- 3 egg whites 1 yolk scrambled + 1 fruit smoothie

    Lunch- 2 bananas with cashew butter, 6 strawberries, 6 ounces raspberries & 2 paleo cookies

    Dinner - smoked turkey breast + grilled veggies (sweet potatoes, red & yellow peppers, jalapenos & onions) 1 sausage wrap & 2 beers Go aggie basketball!

  13. Gary Guilbeau

    7:30 3 egg whites 1 yolk scrambled with onions & ground turkey
    10:00 1 banana
    12:30 smoked turkey breasts & 1 cup of green beans
    5:00 1 banana with chashew butter, 1 handful of grapes & 1 apple
    8:00 baked chicken breasts & steamed green beans

    Katie Guilbeau

    7:30 3 egg whites 1 yolk scrambled with onions & ground turkey
    9:00 1 cup of coffee with cream & splenda
    12:30 1/4 chicken rotisserie
    5:00 a few bites of grilled chicken, 1 handful of grapes & raw carrots
    8:00 baked chicken leg & steamed green beans & a handful of chex mix

  14. 7:30 am 1 banana
    8:30 am 1 cup of coffee w/usual
    10:00 am 1 almond mean pancake w/raisins, 1 banana and cup of coffee w//usual
    1:00 pm Salad w/grilled chicken, tomatoes, a little bean/corn salsa, 8 tortilla chips w/salsa (eating out)
    3 pm A few walnuts
    4:30 1 slice of pineapple and 1/2 cup of cantaloup
    8 pm Salad w/grilled chicken, bell pepper, broccoli and carrots w/lemon,EVOO and honey dressing
    10 pm A few macadamia nuts

  15. 6: 1 egg, 1/4 c salsa
    12: 8 oz chicken, 2 cups veggies grilled (asparagus, zucchini, squash, spinach, green beans)
    3: 10 cashews
    7: 8 oz sirloin, 2 c broccoli

  16. 10 AM - 3 chocolate chip cookies (I woke up late for work and didn't prepare my meals before I left. I held out for 4 hours and then ate the worst thing I could.)

    4PM - banana

    7PM - 14oz chicken breast, 1 avacado, small salad with iceberg lettuce, tomato, & onion. (This is from Ninfa's and I asked for no seasoning but I think they put a good bit of salt on it. Other than that it was paleo. No chips or salsa.)
