Spring Paleo Challenge

Remember to post food log at the end of each day! Include what you eat, when you eat it, and how much of it you ate.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 44

Post food to comments.

Paleo Wrap up party...
Bring your favorite Paleo dish and lets celebrate your great accomplishments.  Thursday March 11th @ 7:00 at 414 S Brazos St in Bryan. Paper Goods and Bottled water will be provided. You are more than welcome to bring your favorite drink per Ruth.  If you need help with directions or need more information you can call Ruth @ 979-220-4113.

Take Hwy 6 towards Bryan.  Exit Boonville.  Take Left at intersection towards William J Bryan.  Go towards downtown Bryan.  Continue on WJB.  You will see the American Legion Hall on your right and a Bill ups Gas station on your left.  This is S Brazos St.  You will make a left on S Brazos and go over the railroad tracks.  About a block after the tracks on your right will be 414 S Brazos.  2 story house on your right.



  2. Sorry Ruth...My Bad... U only told me 10 times.

  3. 7:30- homemade spaghetti sauce with spaghetti squash
    9:00- tea with almond milk
    10:30- 1/2 orange bell pepper, 3 oz carrots
    1:30- 4 oz chicken breast, 1 c. steamed veggies
    4:30- small apple
    6:30- homemade spaghetti sauce with spaghetti squash
    8:00- banana with walnut/cashew mix

    Ruth, thanks for opening your home. I hope I can make it, but will need to find a sitter for my two munchkins since the hubs works late these days...

  4. 4:30- banana
    8:00- 1 egg, 1 egg white
    12:00- grilled chicken salad
    3:00- banana w/cashew butter
    6:30- grilled chicken, avocado, and salad

  5. 5:30- 2 eggs, broccoli, carrots, strawberries

    10-carrots, pumpkin seeds

    1-salad, chicken, caesar dressing (I was at a Committee meeting in Houston and we met through lunch so I could not go anywhere to get a paleo friendly lunch.)

    3-blackberries, brazil nuts

    7-ground beef, avocado, mango salsa

    *Paleo crew I wont be able to attend the paleo dinner, I have a meeting that night. You all have fun!!!!!!

  6. Daren when are we taken the pics for the paleo challenge? Hope I can make the dinner Thursday, as of now Codi has ball practice:-(

  7. 7:45 spinach omelette with salsa
    morning snacks 2 celery stalks, 1 bell pepper
    12;30 4 oz pork loin, salad with 2 c. romaine, 1/3 avocado, salsa
    afternoon snacks- cucmber
    5:00 3 strawberries, 1/2 c grapes
    7:00 stir fry with chicken breast, 2 c mixed veggies

  8. 9:00 - 1/2 paleo pancake..Yuk thru it away
    10:00 - 1 omega 3 boiled egg
    2:00 - Jasons Deli spinach veggie wrap - cup of mixed fruit (grapes, cantaloupe,grapes)
    a few sips of daughters tomato basil soup

  9. Gary

    7:30 3 egg whites 1 yolk scrambled with ground turkey & onion. 1 cup of coffee with splenda & cream
    10:00 1 apple
    12:00 2 bananas
    6:00 bowl of grapes, 1 banana
    7:30 2 fish tacos - paleo style. Grilled tilapia with red bell peppers, onions & tomatos put in a lettuce wrap with mango pico, 1 baked sweet potato with cinnamon & tiny bit of honey


    7:30 3 egg whites 1 yolk scrambled with ground turkey & onion. 1 cup of coffee with splenda & cream
    12:00 2 bananas with cashew butter
    5:30 handful of raw carrots
    6:00 1 mini meat loaf
    7:30 2 fish tacos - paleo style. Grilled tilapia with red bell peppers, onions & tomatos put in a lettuce wrap with mango pico, 1 baked sweet potato
    8:00 handful of grapes

  10. 9:30am - 1 egg and two egg whites with lots of veggies
    11:30am - bell pepper (1) and walnuts (~1 oz)
    1:30pm - Daren's green chile soup (1 1/2 c.)
    5:00pm - baby carrots
    8:00pm - salmon and asparagus
    11:00pm - cantaloupe (1/4)

  11. 6:30: 1 omega egg, 3 egg whites, 1/4 c salsa, 1 kiwi, 2 strawberries, tbsp almond butter
    9:30: 10 cashews
    11:30: 2 c field greens
    3: muscle milk light
    7: paleo turkey meat balls (5) with sauce and 1 c broccoli, carrots

  12. 515 banana
    730am grilled chicken strip
    1230pm grilled chicken salad oil and vinegar
    530pm CHEAT!!! Epicurean Extravaganza nuf said! Man it was good but I am paying for it now.

    Sorry I am going to have to miss the party on Thursday but I will be out of town for a meeting. But congrats to everyone on doing a great job and making it through!

  13. 8am - 1 banana
    8:30am - 2c hot tea w/sweet & low
    11am - 2oz pork loin on a corn tortilla
    1pm -(bad girl) small popcorn bag
    3pm - 40z pork loin w/onions, bell pepper, jalapenos, broccoli & cauliflower
    5:30pm - 1 banana (pre-work out)
    8pm - 8oz shrimp salad & sweet potatoe fries

  14. 7:30am 2 cups coffee w/Splenda
    9:00am 1 omega 3 boiled egg & 1 Paleo pumpkin muffin
    12:30 1 green salad with roasted chicken, walnuts and apples
    5:00pm 1/2 apple
    7:45pm green salad w/lean ground beef mixed with onion & sweet bell pepper & 1/2 avocado
    9:00pm 1 cup fruit smoothie w/coconut milk

  15. Paleo Challenge day 44 - Ryan W.

    Breakfast - 2 eggs + 1 bowl of fruit (strawberry ,honey dew melon, and blackberries)

    Lunch - 2 bananas w/ cashew butter + 1/2 cups of cashews + 7 starwberries

    Dinner - 8 oz grilled chicken + sweet potatoe hash.

  16. 9 am 1 egg/2 egg whites w/veggies and coffee w/usual
    12 pm 2 oz of deli turkey, handful of baby carrots
    3 pm 1 orange and 6 walnuts
    7 pm 4 oz. of turkey meat w/bell peppers and mushrooms
    10 pm 1 orange
